Knee pain can be treated wonderfully well with Homeopathic medicines, which are natural and therefore, safe for use. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in both acute and chronic knee pain. They are safe for use among all age groups, without any risk of toxicity. Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing knee pain of degenerative, traumatic as well as inflammatory origin. They help in relieving the pain in the knee and the accompanying symptoms such as swelling, tenderness and stiffness.
The recommended Homeopathic medicines for knee pain are Calcarea Carb, Rhus Tox, Colchicum, Ruta and Symphytum. Among these medicines, Calcarea Carb is recommended for knee pain from osteoarthritis and Rhus Tox is indicated for knee pain from rheumatoid arthritis. Colchicum has shown remarkable results in knee pain resulting from gout while Ruta and Symphytum are excellent Homeopathic medicines for knee pain from ligament and bone injury, respectively.